Saturday, August 18, 2007

Los Angeles Impeachment Movement

Yesterday I attended the Los Angeles City Council meeting because Councilman Bill Rosendahl plans to put forth a resoulution to impeach Bush and Cheney. I attended the meeting because I wanted to show my support for the measure, and I also wanted to film the proceedings. I had never attended a council meeting before, and it was very interesting to see the beautiful architecture of City Hall and also to see our local government in action in person. When it was time for public comments, I moved to the front row and was able to film the entire session. About halfway through the comments, a policeman asked me to move from the front row over to the side aisle. He was very polite about it, and it really did not matter as I still had a good view from that location. I watched as speaker after speaker eloquently put forth their argument for why Los Angeles needs to demand impeachment. I was truly moved by the passion of these citizens. One speaker asked all those to stand who were there to support impeachment, and we filled the entire chamber. This morning I opened my Los Angeles Times anticipating coverage of the meeting, but to my dismay, there was not a single word written about it. The only coverage regarding the council meeting was about a possible property tax increase. When the chamber is filled with citizens regarding an issue, I believe that warrants thorough news coverage. This is why the internet is so important, because we the people can publish what we feel is important and we no longer have to rely on the mainstream media. My husband and I are in the process of editing my footage, and we will be posting a video hopefully today or tomorrow. Whether or not one agrees with impeachment, this movement deserves to get their story out there, and I am glad I took the time to document this important piece of history.


Anonymous said...

Hi thrugreeneyez,

Thanks to all the people who took time to attend the council meeting and give their powerful speeches for impeachment.

Thanks to you, blogger, for reporting on it.

Thanks to Bill Rosendahl.

NO THANKS to the councilpeople who showed complete disdain or apathy for the important words of the citizen speakers.

What will it take to make those complacent council people take action on this criminal administration.

One of the speakers said
(paraphrased) 'When public servants who are sworn to uphold the constitution, turn a blind eye to the many violations of the administration, they are complicit in those crimes against the people.'

The way the so called opposition leaders of this country are behaving makes the scenarios of "A Handmaids Tale", "1984", or Nazi Germany, seem very possible.

These are the times when people must take action!

Everything you do matters.

No action for peace and justice is inconsequential.


Unknown said...

It was upsetting how many council members were engaged in conversation or were reading during public comments. Many people had to take the day off work in order to speak before the council. In my case, we sat in bumper to bumper traffic in the blazing heat with two small children, just so we could be present for the meeting and show our support. The very least our elected officials can do is to put down their pen, stop talking to their aids, and give the people their full attention!

Catherine said...

Have you sent this video to any council members to remind them--- we are paying attention and we VOTE!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to go down there and share the real thing with us

kitchenwitchjuli said...

It is time to remind these council members that they are public servants, and they need to answer to us. They are there to represent us and when they don't, they must go! I phoned Bill Rosendahl's office to thank him for his efforts. I'm going to write to some of the other council members to let them know that their lack of concern for what WE THE PEOPLE want is unacceptable. The time for Impeachment is now, they need to get on board with Rosendahl and lead Los Angeles towards that goal.

Unknown said...

One of the people from the Impeachment Center asked us for our footage of Mr.Parks blatantly not paying attention for the entire time. We did give him the footage and he said he was going to post it on YouTube and I was there when he told Mr.Parks directly that he was going to be on YouTube. By the way, I wanted to mention that the whole time I was filming, tears were streaming down my face. I was crying because all of my anger towards Bush and his cronies came out, as well as my sadness, frustration, and grief. People say that we shouldn't bother with impeachment because Bush will be gone next year anyways, but he still has 15 months in office. Think of all the damage he can continue to do in 15 months! We can't wait that long, we should impeach now!