Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Time for Reflection

As the semester is coming to an end, it is a good time to stop and reflect upon our Psychology class. What did you learn? What were your favorite topics? Are there any topics that you want to explore more? Did you learn anything about yourself?


Jackie D. said...

Well first off, I would like to say thank you Ms. Winnard for being such a wonderful teacher.In our class I learned many different things that I had always wondered about. My favorite topics in the class were Erikson's stages of psychosocial development and Zimbardo's exeriment.
Some thing I learned about myself was that maybe I might have medical school syndrome, because in class everytime a disease would be discussed and I had similarities with the side effects I always thought that I might have that disease.

jenniferd said...

Like Jackie, I would also like to thank you for such a wonderful experience in class. My favorite topic that we covered were consciousness and psychological disorders. One topic that I would really like to explore more is psychological disorders, especially schizophrenia because my boyfriend's uncle had that disorder.

Adam Omar said...

Well for starters this class was a lot better than I expected at the beginning. You are a great teacher. I get bored easily most of the time, except when their voices don’t sound so plain and slow, and when they make the topics interesting. Lots of teachers don’t have class discussions like this class and I really enjoyed that. Also you didn’t waste lots of time disciplining and I liked how you never yelled. I learned so much its hard to say what my favorite parts are. Pretty much everything we learned interested me a lot. I also learned a lot about myself. I used to think our brains were very limited but in reality they aren't. One topic that was interesting was selective attention. I learned a lot about dreams as well it is very interesting. I always wondered why I almost always forgot my dreams. I may sound silly but I learned quite a bit about parenting, and that I have to be careful when I get older.

Josh.S said...

Ive always seen Psychologists in the movies , with the leather couches asking you how you feel. Up until a few years ago i wanted to become a software designer. But I later switched my focuses on psychology. thats why I wanted to take a class on it as soon as possible. When i found that I could enroll at pierce i wondered what it would be like. When i Showed up on the first day i didnt know what to expect. After a while though i Began to participate in class and become more invovled. as the semester progressed I knew that this was the field I wished to major in. I thank you for the Wonderful class and a great beggining to my junior year.

Josh.S said...

Commenting on my buddy Adam. I too get bored easily. were usually in the same classes and end up sitting next to each other. When we came to the class I figured that it would be very hard and require tremendous effort just to get by. However your lectures during the class made it fun and easy to learn the fundamentals of psychology. I especially enjoyed the class discussions and frequent newspaper articles youve brought in these past weeks. Most of the classes im in now require extensive bookwork and thoughtless quizes and tests daily. I was very happy to find out your class wasn't one of those

Cheyanne said...

Like my fellow classmates, I would like to thank you and my peers for an amazing learning environment and I really have learned a lot. My favorite topic has to be the topic on classical and operant condition. I enjoyed how Pavlon could condition the dog to salivate at the bell. Relating to that topic was "how to raise your kid," which I also enjoyed. The points made in for that topic made a lot of sense and hopefully I will remember it when I raise my own kids. Thank you!

AndyC said...

I really liked this class, I learned a lot about humanistic behaviors. My favorite topic would be when we learned about our unconscious desires like falic. I never thought about that until we talked about it in class and it is quite true that it does get your attention. Thank you Professor Winnard for teaching all these amazing things that occur in our minds and how it affects our society.

Josh.S said...

josh.s has been changed to Josh.S because of a password issue.-------One thing I forgot to mention about the class was how much I learned about my self. Many of the lessons on psychoanalysis and repressed memories and the hierarchy of needs gave me some insight on why we act the way we do.The different stages of life and the issues we face all are of use to me. Also in one chapter the text said adolescences deal with an issue called Imaginary audience. occasianally before i say something or do something I wonder what my peers will think9 as if any of them really care ).

Unknown said...

Reading all of your comments makes me happy to know that you feel that you learned a lot, but also sad that our class is coming to an end. I will miss you all! I am terrible at good-byes! But really it is not good-bye because we can still meet on this blog and you can keep in touch with me by e-mail too, if you like. Plus, you never know, maybe I will see you again in a different psychology class down the road. It would be such a pleasure to have any of you in another one of my classes in the future.

Adam Omar said...

I liked how we learned a lot about the brain in detail. It was interesting to learn about how the brains of males and females work somewhat different. Also an interesting topic that I learned was on what skills right handed people have and the skills left handed people have. From all those warm ups I got to think about the past a lot so I learned a lot about myself. One of the things I have learned about myself is my personality in depth. Also I thought about how I act during the worst times.

diddy_mao said...

I think this class taught me a lot more then I expected to learn in the time frame. One of my favorite topics would have to be operant conditioning and classical conditioning. I think it was because this showed how our minds really work. Being able to manipulate the mind into doing something without knowing it was very interesting to me. What I would like to learn more about would be the psychological disorders and why people can't get over them.

diddy_mao said...

oops...I just realized that I was under diddy_mao. This is Vincent. Sorry

AndyC said...

I did not come to my mind at the time but I also like the topic on operant and classical conditioning it is a simple way to call your dog to come get its meal without having to actually bring the food for him.

Georgia H. said...

Agreeing with Jackie I think that you were a wonderfull teacher. In your class i learned a lot of things, like OCD, we got into a group and we discussed the things we do that might reflect of that sickness but really isnt that bad. Overall I thought this class was really fun, and would like to come back and visit sometime.

Georgia H. said...

Agreeing with Jackie I think that you were a wonderfull teacher. In your class i learned a lot of things, like OCD, we got into a group and we discussed the things we do that might reflect of that sickness but really isnt that bad. Overall I thought this class was really fun, and would like to come back and visit sometime.

Adam Omar said...

There are quite a few things I wish to learn more about in psychology. First of all I would like to learn more about therapy. It sounds very interesting and useful. I'm sure we could all use therapy at least at one point in our lives. I would be very useful to know what you can do to help yourself in a bad situation. Since I like helping people I would easily be able to help people with their problems better after learning more. Another thing I want to learn more about is how the brain works in even more detail. I don't think there is anything on this Earth that is as complicated as our brains.

Jonathan Brecher said...

When we were told to write down our expectations, what we want to learn, and what we already knew about psychology on the first day of class, much of what I thought I knew about mental processes, personality, learning, and thinking was only marginally correct. Now that I have taken my first semester of a psychology class, I realize that my previous ideas about psychology were very incomplete. This class has definitely served to improve my awareness of others’ personalities, and myself. Topics that fascinated me are learning and consciousness. This class has really opened my eyes to the people in the world around me, and has given me tremendous ground for introspection. It has also opened the door to my taking future psychology classes. Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis are things that I would like to learn more about in future psychology classes.

Jackie D. said...

I was going to say what Georgia said but she beat me to it. After class today, we had a discussion about somethings that we learned about in class. We talked about OCD behaviors and more. I also noticed that when we were talking about other topics such as a dog responding to its name, I kept remembering topics from class like conditioning.

Irene said...

Being in this class has not only taught me a much more concrete understanding of my surroundings, but has also taught me a lot about myself. Few of my favorite topics were the different defense mechanisms people use, the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious, psychological disorders, and the biology of psychology. I never would have imagined the great fundamentals of psychology and how much there is to know-there's alot. I enjoyed every last minute of this class and would like to thank you Professor Winnard.

ofel said...

Ms. Winnard I don’t know how to thank you. You are so far one of the best teachers I have ever met. Thank you for being such a kind and loving teacher and making our class such a fun place to be at. Honestly before I entered this class I thought it was going to be one of those hard classes with those boring teachers, but no I was wrong. I have never met anyone who explains everything step by step and allows the students to express themselves. Again thank you so much. I am actualy thinking about majoring in the field of psychology because this class really changed my views on psychology. One of my favorite topics in class was “Erikson's stages of psychosocial development.” There was much more but I found this topic the most intresting. Overall this class was a blast and I am really sad that it came to an end. I will never forget the things that we learned in class and I am planning on using my knowledge on psychology in the future if needed. Thank you and goodbye<3